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Lake Coloring Solutions

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Lake colours are a type of pigment, known for their excellent dispersion qualities and versatility. They can easily be mixed with fats, oils, and other substances, and their inert absorption properties make them ideal for use in a range of applications, including cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

At Akay, we provide lake colours in three concentrations – 15-22%, 23-30%, and 31-38% – that are dispersible in vegetable oil, propylene glycol, or sucrose (water or sugar). Their superior stability when compared to water-soluble colours further adds to their appeal.


Lake colours can be used for a variety of purposes, from the production of artistic paints and inks to the manufacture of soaps and other toiletries. They are also used in the creation of food and beverage products, providing vibrant and long-lasting colour.


In conclusion, lake colours are an essential ingredient for many industries, due to their strong dispersion capabilities and impressive stability. At Akay, we are proud to offer a range of high-quality lake colour products, suitable for any application.

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Line of Products.

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Product Name
Lake Quinoline Yellow
47005 : 1
Lake Tartrazine
19140 : 1
Lake Sunset Yellow FCF
15985 : 1
Lake Erythrosine
45430 : 1
Lake Ponceau 4R
16255 : 1
Lake Allura Red
16035 : 1
Lake Carmoisine
14720 : 1
Lake Amaranth
16185 : 1
Lake Chocolate Brown HT
20285 : 1
Lake Brilliant Blue FCF
42090 : 1
Lake Indigo Carmine
73015 : 1
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